Course Description

This is a free 1-hour course to teach you the fundamentals of Key Performance Indicators and Performance.


As a business manager or business owner you often start the financial year with goals you have for yourself and everyone in the team.

This is your strategic plan.

The way to deliver your strategy is to set Key Performance Indicators and track some of them weekly and the others monthly.

There are 2 obstacles that get in the way of executing your plans:

  1. "Which KPIs should I choose? It's so confusing as there are thousands to choose from.
  2. "How do I get my team to buy-in?"

Choosing the right KPIs

The world of KPIs can be confusing, even if you've been in business for a while. There are so many different things to consider:

  • Financial KPIs
  • Strategic KPIs
  • Operational KPIs
  • KPIs that measure Quality
  • Efficiency KPIs
  • Cycle Times
  • Risk & Compliance Metrics
  • KPIs that measure Projects and Tasks
  • Personal KPIs
  • Team KPIs
  • Long term KPIs
  • Weekly KPIs
  • What targets to set
  • How often to Review

This list could go on forever. The result is you may never get out the starting blocks or you may have some doubt. When someone tells you that your KPIs are meaningless, you don't know where to turn.

Getting Buy-in

65% Of managers we have surveyed say they have never been formally taught how to work with and get results from KPIs. No doubt, if you asked the average worker, the number would be much higher.

So many people in the workplace have a misconception about KPIs. They think it's a stick that going to come a bite them in the future, so they very nervous when they hear the work KPI.

There's a good chance they've had a clueless boss in the past and used KPIs in a very negative way.

If the KPIs are real KPIs, they will motivate your staff not put fear into them.

About the course

The course is a light, fun, informative and positive experience that people seem to love.

It teaches how different pieces of business and measurement all fit together. It gives you a way to think about what you're measuring and why you're measuring it.

We've used the course as a change agent to prepare teams who have never used KPIs before. It always creates a positive conversation and staff are motivated to be measured on proper KPIs because they realise that KPIs help them track their progress to a desired outcome.

As a manager, this short course will give you the fundamentals of performance that will set you up to becoming a great leader. Staff love managers who can communicate their expectations using measurable and actionable KPIs.

Once you have this foundation, we can set you up for much greater things.

Hi, I’m Roger Knocker

With over 22 years of business experience, I have worked in a few different roles as a Chartered Accountant, Business Performance Strategist, KPI Professional, Business Systems Professional, Business Process Specialist, Data Architect, and Entrepreneur (in my own business).

Today I specialise in helping my clients to optimise their businesses and make them more profitable.

I’m passionate about Key Performance Indicators. What gets measured gets done. KPIs can either serve you to greatness or they will become very clumsy and you’ll spend most of your time serving them with not much progress to show.

I’ve built this course to give to anyone who wants to learn about what I'm passionate about. Its a gift. I dont want anything in return except that you tell as many people as possible.

I want this course to be the start of a journey towards creating a common language and understanding around KPIs for organisations. This will help them move the next level and use KPIs to drive operational excellence and financial performance.


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